2016 California Buddhist Studies Graduate Student Conference at Stanford
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California Buddhist Studies Graduate Students Conference at Stanford, April 23–24, 2016. Photo credit: The HCBSS


Research Opportunities

Conference and Workshop Program

The HCBSS occasionally entertains proposals from scholars at Stanford or other institutions to organize and host academic events at Stanford, for which the Center can provide facilities, staff support, and limited funding.                                         

Inquiries should be directed to the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, 365 Lasuen Street, 3rd floor, Stanford University, CA 94305. E-mail: buddhiststudies [at] stanford.edu (subject: conference%20and%20workshop%20program) (buddhiststudies[at]stanford[dot]edu).

Doctoral Fellows Program

Students enrolled at US universities and institutions that have an exchange agreement with Stanford may apply for a visiting appointment to take courses and conduct research at Stanford. The HCBSS cannot grant visiting appointments to students from institutions that do not have such an exchange agreement.

Graduate students enrolled at these universities may take advantage of the Exchange Scholar Program: University of California at Berkeley, University of California at San Francisco, Brown University, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University. See Stanford Exchange Program for Students.

Inquiries should be directed to the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Studies, 365 Lasuen Street, 3rd floor, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. E-mail: buddhiststudies [at] stanford.edu (subject: Stanford%20Exchange%20Program%20for%20Students) (buddhiststudies[at]stanford[dot]edu).

Postdoctoral Fellows Program

This two-year fellowship is administered by the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies with an annual stipend of $65,000 plus up to $10,000 for moving expenses and $2,000 per year for research expenses. For further information, see The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies Postdoctoral Fellowships or email the fellowship administrator at buddhiststudies [at] stanford.edu (subject: Stanford%20Exchange%20Program%20for%20Students) (buddhiststudies[at]stanford[dot]edu).