HCBSS Partners
The HCBSS works together with other organizations, programs, and individuals, both on campus and in the community, to further scholarship, education, and public programs in Buddhist Studies. For opportunities to join our network of partners, see Supporting the HCBSS.
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation
Endowments supporting The Ho Center, The Ho Foundation Doctoral Fellowships in Buddhist Studies, and The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Professor in Buddhist Studies.
The T. T. & W. F. Chao Foundation
Endowments supporting two T. T. & W. F. Chao Graduate Fellowships in Buddhist Studies and the T. T. & W. F. Chao Buddhist Studies programs in The Ho Center.
The Shinnyo-en Foundation
Endowment supporting the Shinso Ito Professorship in Buddhist Studies.
Hwei Tai Fund for Buddhist Studies
Endowment supporting advanced seminars and other programs in Buddhist Studies.
Evans-Wentz Lectureship in Oriental Philosophies, Religions, and Ethics
Endowment supporting annual lectures, symposia, and conferences. Administered by the HCBSS for the Department of Religious Studies.
James and Lydia Chao
Gift in support of the T. T. & W. F. Chao Lectures in Buddhism
Shinnyo-en Foundation
Grant in support of Buddhist Studies graduate students and Buddhist public education programming
The family of Liu Yen-Chun 劉彦俊
Gift of his books to the HCBSS library
The family of Catherine Bell
Gift of her books to the HCBSS library
James and Marian Adams
Gift in support of the programs of the HCBSS
Ling-Chu and Chia-Hon Chien
Gifts in support of the programs of the HCBSS
Gifts in support of the operations and programs of the HCBSS
Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Taiwan
Memorandum of Understanding with the HCBSS for the development of academic exchange and cooperation in Buddhist Studies
Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan
Memorandum of Understanding with the HCBSS for the development of academic exchange and cooperation in Buddhist Studies
International Division of the Administrative Headquarters of Soto Zen Buddhism (Sotoshu Shumucho)
Soto Zen Text Project for the translation of the major texts of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism