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"Diamond Sūtra Narratives: Textual Production and Lay Religiosity in Medieval China"

Chiew Hui Ho
Diamond Sutra Narratives: Textual Production and Lay Religiosity in Medieval China

Contextualizing the sūtra within a milieu of intense religious and cultural experimentation, this volume unravels the sudden rise of Diamond Sūtra devotion in the Tang dynasty against the backdrop of a range of social, political, and literary activities. Through the translation and exploration of a substantial body of narratives extolling the efficacy of the sutra, it explores the complex social history of lay Buddhism by focusing on how the laity might have conceived of the sutra and devoted themselves to it. Corroborated by various sources, it reveals the cult's effect on medieval Chinese religiosity in the activities of an empowered laity, who modified and produced parasutraic texts, prompting the monastic establishment to accommodate to the changes they brought about.