List of events for the 2002–2003 academic year

Events Archive 2002–2003
Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (SCBS) Lectures
October 18, 2002
Manabe Shunsho
Hosen Gakuen Daigaku
Japanese Esoteric Buddhism and Mandala Art
January 13, 2003
Ajarn Sulak Sivaraksa
Sathirakoses–Nagapradeepa Foundation
The Buddhist Response(s) to 9/11
Co-sponsored by SLE
March 4, 2003
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Yale University
The Eyes of Michinaga in the Light of Buddha: A Japanese Case Study in Art and Illumination
Co-sponsored by SSFJS
April 22, 2003
Hiroki Kikuchi
Historiographical Institute, Tokyo
Revaluating the Genkô-shakusho in Buddhism of the Kamakura Period
Co-sponsored by SSFJS
April 22, 2003
Kojiro Hirose
National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
Reconsidering Japanese Religious History: The Aum Incident and Blind Culture in Modern Japan
Co-sponsored by SSFJS
May 2, 2003
Rinchen Khando Choegyal and Elizabeth Napper
Tibetan Nuns Project
Women of Spirit: The Tibetan Nuns Project
Co-sponsored by Tibetan Nuns Project and the Dalai Lama Foundation
May 8, 2003
John Strong
Bates College
Buddhist Relics in Comparative Perspective
Evans-Wentz Lecture. Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies
Hwei Tai Seminars in Buddhist Studies 2002–2003
March 3–7, 2003
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Yale University
Bringing Out Buddha: Iconographies and Iconologies of Buddhist Practice
Co-sponsored by Department of Art, SSFJS, and Department of Religious Studies
SCBS Conferences
May 15, 2003
Norman Fisher, Michael McClure, Leslie Scalapino
Practitioners of Reality: A Symposium on Poetry and Buddhism
Co-sponsored by Stanford Humanities Center Workshop on Contemporary Poetry & Politics
SCBS/Asian, Religion, and Cultures (ARC) Fellows Colloquium
November 13, 2002
Okajima Hidetaka
Aichi Gakuin Daigaku
Religious Consciousness in Contemporary Japan
November 20, 2002
Richard Payne
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Indian Philosophy of Language as Background to Japanese Tantric Practice
December 4, 2002
David Nivison
Philosophy, Asian Languages, & Religious Studies
Shao Dongfang
Fo Guang University
Jiang Zudi
Intel, ARC Fellow
Debates on the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project
May 1, 2003
Bernard Faure
Columbia University
From Womb to Cosmos: The Gods of Destiny in Asian Religions
Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies
SCBS/ARC Graduate Colloquium
November 11, 2002
Julius Tsai
Religious Studies, Stanford University
Videos from the Field: Taoist Ritual in Taiwan
Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies
February 5, 2003
Noa Gal
Oxford University
Some Remarks on the Theravadin Notion of Causation
February 19, 2003
Tad Cook
Religious Studies, Stanford University
Pivots of Meaning in the Teaching of the Way: Buddha-Taoist Palimpsests c. 700 CE
April 30, 2003
Sarah Fremerman
Religious Studies, Stanford University
Making Wishes Come True: Japanese Transformations of Nyoirin Kannon
ARC Lectures
November 3, 2002
Al Dien
Emeritus, Asian Languages, Stanford University
Life and Arts Along the Silk Road
Co-sponsored by Stanford Lively Arts
November 25, 2002
Lakshmi Kannan
Tamil Author
Reading from her poetry and prose
January 27, 2003
Farhad Azad
Society of Afghan Professionals
Afghanistan: A Cultural Journey
February 10, 2003
Hafez Modirzadeh
San Jose State University
Ancestral Echoes of the Persian Musical Diaspora: World Connections in Iranian Musical History
May 21, 2003
Kazuya Ishii
Fulbright Fellow, Economics
Religious and Economic Views of Mahatma Gandhi
ARC Performance
November 2, 2002
Melody of China
Music of the Silk Road
Co-sponsored by Center for East Asian Studies, Center for Russian, European & Eurasian Studies, Stanford Lively Arts, and Inner Asia Silkroad Study Group
ARC Film Series
May 30–June 1, 2003
Beyond Bollywood: New Indian Cinema
Co-sponsored by South Asian American Films & Arts Association
ARC Tour
May 31, 2003
The New Asian Art Museum India Galleries