CBD 2023: Becoming Radiance: Six Practices for Selflessness and Compassionate Action with Kodo Conlin
Stanford Prevention Research Center
School of Medicine
The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies

Building upon Mei Elliott’s Oct. 27 lecture, The Bodhisattva with Boundaries, this lecture continues to use Buddhist teachings to explore the interface between a healthy sense of self and the experience of "not-self" that is grounded in emptiness. What practices are available for the development of a dynamic union between emptiness and a mature self? With roots in early Indian Buddhism, extending through contemporary Zen, we will explore the six paramitas. These six practices provide a comprehensive approach for a progressive realization of emptiness and the simultaneous development of a compassionate, engaged, and empowered character.
This workshop is part of a five-part series on Buddhist teachings offered by Mei Elliott and Kodo Conlin as part of the annual Stanford Contemplaion by Design Summit. Attendees are encouraged to reigster for one or all of the folowing sessions:
- The Bodhisattva with Boundaries: The Paradox of Selflessness and Self-Care with Mei Elliott, on Oct. 27.
- iPause Guided practice #4 Practicing with the Emptiness of Self with Mei Elliott, on Oct. 27
- Interactive Workshop: The Paramita Pyramid: Practices for Cultivating Wisdom and Compassion with Mei Elliott and Kodo Conlin, on Oct. 28
- iPause Guided practice #5 Nourished by Tenderness: Practicing with Loving-Kindness for Self with Kodo Conlin, on Oct. 28
Kodo Conlin has practiced Buddhist meditation for nearly 20 years. He trains in both the Zen and Theravada traditions, ordaining as a Soto Zen priest in 2015. A participant in the 2021-2025 Insight Meditation Center Teacher Training, Kodo's extended residential practice has included over a year, cumulatively, in silent retreat. He serves as a practice leader at San Francisco Zen Center and as guiding teacher for Young Urban Zen. Kodo's teaching emphasizes a joyful, comprehensive freedom of the heart—liberation—available through the Buddhist path.
CBD 2023: Becoming Radiance: Six Practices for Selflessness and Compassionate Action with Kodo Conlin is part of the FREE Contemplation by Design Summit, Oct. 24- Nov. 2, 2023.
Registration opens September 12, 2023