Main content start Painting of Buddhist deities (Joseon Dynasty, Korea). Digital image: © The Trustees of the British Museum Research OverviewResearch OpportunitiesApplying for Postdoctoral FellowshipResearch FundingHCBSS Research ProjectsFeatured Publications Toggle Featured Publications FacultyGraduate StudentsAlumni Faculty Publications Books "Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection" (Volumes 1–4) 2000 Edited by Jens Braavig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, and Lore Sander "The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality" 1999 By Bernard Faure "Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama On the Occasion of His 65th Birthday" 1998 Edited by Paul Harrison and Gregory Schopen "Chan Insights and Oversights: An Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition" 1993 By Bernard Faure "Druma-kinnara-rāja-paripṛcchā-sūtra: A Critical Edition of the Tibetan Text (Recension A) based on Eight Editions of the Kanjur and the Dunhuang Manuscript Fragment" 1992 By Paul Harrison "Dōgen's Manuals of Zen Meditation" 1990 By Carl Bielefeldt "The Samādhi of Direct Encounter with the Buddhas of the Present: An Annotated English Translation of the Tibetan Version of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra" 1990 Translated by Paul Harrison "The Tibetan Text of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra" 1978 By Paul Harrison Articles "Vocalizing the Lament over the Buddha’s Passing: A Study of Myōe’s Shiza kōshiki" 2016 Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2