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"Healing from the Source: The Science and Lore of Tibetan Medicine"

Dr. Yeshi Dhonden
B. Alan Wallace
Healing from the Source: The Science and Lore of Tibetan Medicine

In this remarkable contemporary presentation of the theory and practice of Tibetan medicine, Dr. Yeshi Dhonden, twenty years the personal physician of H. H. the Dalai Lama, draws from over fifty years of practicing and teaching this ancient tradition of healing. This volume vividly presents a series of lectures Dr. Dhonden gave before a group of health care professionals at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. This lecture series was presented during the planning stages of a research project at the University of California San Francisco to test Dr. Dhonden's medical treatment for metastatic breast cancer. (This research project caught the interest of NBC's Dateline, which filmed an hour-long documentary of it that aired in January 2000.) Dr. Dhonden elucidates the holistic Tibetan medical view of health and disease, referring to traditional Tibetan medical sources as well as his own experiences as a doctor practicing in Tibet, India, and numerous countries throughout Europe and America. His presentation is delightfully complemented by many anecdotes drawing from the ancient lore of popular folk medicine in Tibet. For health care professionals, anthropologists, historians of medicine, medical ethicists, and the general public interested in Tibetan medicine, this book is a fascinating contribution by one of the foremost practitioners of Tibetan medicine in the modern world.