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"The Buddhist Priest Myōe: A Life of Dreams"

Hayao Kawai
Mark Unno
Lapis Press
The Buddhist Priest Myoe

The  Buddhist Priest Myōe: A Life of Dreams: A Life of Dreams is a work about Myōe, a thirteenth-century Japanese priest. it is about his life, his dreams, and his dream life, all of which are inseparable and ultimately one. In examining Myōe's Dream Diary, Dr. Hayao Kawai transcends biography to explore the depths of the psyche, including the relationship between reason and experience, science, and religion, sexuality and spirituality, individual creativity and community, and the world views of the East and West.

Anyone interested in new dimensions of depth psychology psychotherapy Japanese myth and religion, and comparative cultural studies in certain to find this work of value. The original Japanese edition received the Shincho Award for Learning and the Arts for its scholarly and literary excellence. Translator Mark Unno, Dr. Kawai remarks in his preface to this edition, "has gone beyond mere translation to produce a version in English which I feel will most accurately convey my thoughts to a Western audience."