Grace Ramswick
Grace began studying Indic religious traditions and Sanskrit at UC Berkeley, where she earned her BA in Religious Studies in 2011. Since coming to Stanford in 2013, she has further cultivated interests in Buddhist literary and artistic cultures of South and Central Asia, Gandhāran Buddhism (including contemporary, international discourses on its heritage), early Chinese Buddhism, Himalayan Buddhism, manuscript studies, museum studies, and translation studies.
She is currently completing a dissertation focused on the Wenshushili wen pusa shu jing 文殊師利問菩薩署經 (Taishō 458), a curious exposition of Perfection of Wisdom-type teachings that was, by all accounts, part of the first wave of Mahāyāna sūtras brought to China and translated into Chinese—perhaps from Gāndhārī—in the late second century CE.
Grace is also an adjunct instructor at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, where she has taught the year-long course sequence “Buddhist Traditions of Asia” since 2019.