Website Redesign

Preaching Buddha from the British Museum

The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies participated in the School of Humanities and Sciences' pilot program to redesign university websites on the Drupal 8 platform. The School is rolling out new looks and functionalities for all units within it. Whereas the School will achieve uniformity in overall appearance and functionality, each unit retains its individuality in design and features.

We took this opportunity to redesign our home page along with individual pages, to reorganize our sources, to re-tag our events and event series, to feature publications of our faculty, alumni, and students,  and finally to offer new online resources in the following areas: Introductory Books on Buddhism, Bibliography on Buddhism, Buddhist Organizations in the Bay Area, Buddhism Art, Buddhist Films and Documentaries, and Buddhist Music. These resources represent work in progress so we welcome your suggestions. Please email: buddhiststudies [at] (buddhiststudies[at]stanford[dot]edu).