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New Publication: "Of Ancestors and Ghosts: How Preta Narratives Constructed Buddhist Cosmology and Shaped Buddhist Ethics" by Adeana McNicholl

Cover of the book, "Of Ancestors and Ghosts" by Adeana McNicholl

Congratulations to our alum, Adeana McNicholl, for her new book, Of Ancestors and Ghosts: How Preta Narratives Constructed Buddhist Cosmology and Shaped Buddhist Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2024)! Adeana's book is a rare comparative study of Sanskrit and Pali South Asian Buddhist narratives about pretas or "hungry ghosts"—pitiful beings with miniscule mouths and bloated stomachs whose state of extreme starvation is a result of stinginess and immorality in a former life. Of Ancestors and Ghosts highlights the important role of narrative for constructing religious cosmologies, illustrating the role of narrative in ethical formation over a long, cumulative process.