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Venerable Miao Guang in Conversation with Professor John Kieschnick

Thursday October 22nd 2020, 7:00 - 8:30PM
Event Sponsor
The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford
Miao Guan and John Kieschnick

Please join The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies Co-Director, Professor John Kieschnick, in conversation with Venerable Miao Guang from Fo Guang Shan Temple in Taiwan. Professor Kieschnick will speak with Venerable Miao Guang about her life story with reflections on what it means to be a Buddhist monastic in Taiwan and Australia. A Q & A session will follow the conversation.

Ralph H. Craig III, a PhD student in Religious Studies, will serve as the moderator and pose questions from the audience to Venerable Miao Guang and Professor Kieschnick during the Q & A session.

Webinar link will be sent after registration.

Webinar Speakers:

Bio: Ven. Miao Guang is the Personal English Interpreter to the founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who has been teaching and spreading the Dharma across all five continents of the world for over five decades. She graduated with a Bachelor degree from the Department of Asian Studies, University of New South Wales and went on to complete her Master in Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University, focusing on the studies of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, Buddhism in the 21st century, Buddhist textual translation, and Humanistic Buddhism.

Known for her proficiency in both Mandarin Chinese and English, she is currently serving at the FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism as Deputy Chancellor for International Affairs, which focuses on researches and studies of Humanistic Buddhism, localization and acculturation of Fo Guang Shan temples around the world. She also holds regular Dharma talks as well as workshops on Buddhist text translation and Buddhist interpreting in North America, Australia, London, Singapore, and other English speaking countries in the world. She is also the Director of the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism English Translation Project which not only aims at translating Chinese Buddhist lexicography, but the integration of cloud technology, crowdsourcing, and modern day Buddhist text translation procedures for the Fo Guang Shan translation teams across the world.

Bio: John Kieschnick is The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Professor of Buddhist Studies in the Department of Religious Studies and the Co-Director of The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford. A graduate of Stanford University, Professor Kieschnick works on the history of medieval Chinese Buddhism, especially in relation to other aspects of Chinese Culture. He is author of The Eminent Monk: Buddhist Ideals in Medieval Chinese Hagiography and The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture. He is currently working on a manuscript on Chinese Buddhist historiography.

Bio: Ralph H. Craig III is a PhD student in Religious Studies at Stanford University, specializing Indian Buddhism. He received his B.A. from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA where his research interests focused on Sanskrit and the intellectual history of religions in South Asia, as well as Early Christianity and yoga studies. Ralph's current research foci include ritual studies, Buddhist literature and history, and comparative religion.