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Norman Fischer and Spring Washam: "Buddhist Compassion" Workshop

Saturday May 18th 2013, 1:00 - 4:00PM
Event Sponsor
Continuing Studies, Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford
Black Community Services Center, 418 Santa Teresa Street
Norman Fischer and Spring Washam: "Buddhist Compassion" Workshop

Join us for a Saturday afternoon workshop co-sponsored by the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford, Everyday Zen Foundation, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and East Bay Meditation Center. The workshop will combine guided meditation and talks by two of the Bay Area’s most distinguished Zen practitioners.


Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong

Science is lately showing that the brain is “plastic,” that our basic attitudes and emotional mindsets can be changed if we train our minds. In this talk Norman Fischer will present a Zen take on an ancient Indo-Tibetan text that offers fifty-nine practice slogans for training the mind and heart in compassion. What are the main points for training? What are the techniques and cautions needed for a realistic approach to changing your mind from guardedness and smallness to expansive compassion and kind regard for everyone you meet?


Norman Fischer, Founder and Spiritual Director, Everyday Zen Foundation; Former Abbot, San Francisco Zen Center

Norman Fischer is the spiritual director of the Everyday Zen Foundation, a network of Zen groups and related projects whose mission is the sharing of Zen teaching and practice widely with the world. His most recent poetry collection is The Strugglers, and his latest dharma book is Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong.



Wisdom and Compassion: The Wings of Awakening

Many religious traditions regard compassion as the most important quality a person can possess, yet they neglect the development of knowledge and wisdom. In following this path, one may become a caring person but with little understanding of the nature of reality. Other systems of thought, such as science, assume that wisdom can best be developed by suppressing all emotions, including compassion. The risk here is that one becomes knowledgeable, but may lack ultimate purpose. In this talk, Spring Washam will explore from the Theravada Buddhist perspective how innate wisdom may be the best foundation for a life of ultimate purpose, one of genuine love and compassion.


Spring Washam, Teacher, Spirit Rock Meditation Center; Co-founder and Core Teacher, East Bay Meditation Center Spring Washam has been immersed in the dharma since 1997, studying with revered Asian monastics and lay Western teachers, including Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein. She is considered a pioneer in bringing mindfulness-based healing practices to diverse communities.