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List of events for the 2003–2004 academic year

Monday March 8th 2004, 5:00PM
Arhat stone rubbing

Events Archive 2003–2004

Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (SCBS) Lectures

March 8, 2004
Michael Friedrich
Perceptions of Chinese Buddhism in the East and West
Evans-Wentz Lecture. Co-sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies

April 12, 2004
Brian Victoria
"Soldier Zen" in WWII Japan: A Classic Case Study on "Holy War"
Co-sponsored by SSFJS

Hwei Tai Seminars in Buddhist Studies

February 12, 2014
Noa Ronkin
Stanford University
Philosophy and Psychology in Early Theravada

SCBS Conferences and Symposiums

April 30–May 1, 2004
The Politics of Religion in China
Co-sponsored by Center for East Asian Studies and Department of Religious Studies

May 7, 2004
Buddhism and the Medicinal Arts in Japanese History
Co-sponsored by SSFJS

May 22–23, 2004
Burmese Buddhism and the Spirit Cult Revisited
Sponsored by Toyota Foundation


ARC Tours

April 3–4, 2004
Sherman and Ruth Lee Institute of Japanese Art, Hanford, CA


Contact Email: 
buddhiststudies [at] (buddhiststudies[at]stanford[dot]edu)