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List of events for the 2001–2002 academic year

Friday October 26th 2001, 5:15PM
Shotoku Taishi

Events Archive 2001–2002

Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (SCBS) Lectures

October 26, 2001
Raoul Birnbaum 
University of California, Santa Cruz
Buddhist "Fundamentalists" in 20th & 21st Century China

November 2, 2001
Kathy Ku
University of California, Berkeley
The Nature of Buddhist Art: From Gandhāra to Dunhuang and Yungang
Co-sponsored by Department of Art History

November 27, 2001
Alexander von Rospatt
University of California, Berkeley
The Pravrajya Ordination in the Buddhist Tradition of Nepal

March 4, 2002
Charles Hallisey
University of Wisconsin
Buddhism and Modern Indian Identity: Buddhist Takes in Contemporary Urdu Literature

April 4, 2002
Urs App
Hanazono University
The Tibet of the Philosophers: Kant, Hegel, and Schopenhauer
Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies

May 3, 2002
Morten Schlütter
University of California, Los Angeles
The Many Lives of Chan Texts

May 8, 2002
Naoko Kumada
Cambridge University
Giving, Renunciation, and Power: Buddhism and the Politics of Generosity in Rural Burma

May 14, 2002
Victor Mair
University of Pennsylvania 
Of Sheep and Goats and Chinese Values: The Seminal Significance of Ovicaprids
Evans-Wentz Lecture. Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies

May 31, 2002
Julia Shaw
Cambridge University
Buddhist Propagation and Religious Change: The Archaeological Setting of Buddhist Monasteries in Central India

August 21, 2002
Jan Willis
Wesleyan University
Dreaming Me: From Baptist to Buddhist, One Woman's Spiritual Journey
Co-sponsored by The Dalai Lama Foundation


Hwei Tai Seminars in Buddhist Studies, 2001–2002

February 25, 2002
Griffith Foulk
Sarah Lawrence College
Buddhist Monastic Rules in East Asia

SCBS Conferences and Symposiums

September 14–16, 2001
Language & Discourse in the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism
Co-sponsored by SCBS and Institute of Buddhist Studies, GTU

May 11, 2002
Buddhist Spiritual Practice
Co-sponsored by Continuing Studies


ARC Lectures

November 15, 2001
Fabrizio Pregadio
Stanford University
Rituals in Early Chinese Alchemy
Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies

November 16, 2001
David Nivison and Shao Dongfang
Emeritus, Stanford University; ARC Fellow
The Bamboo Annals and the Dating of Early Chinese History

January 18, 2002
Sir Geoffrey Lloyd 
Cambridge University
The Problem of Metaphor in Comparative Perspective
Co-sponsored by Asian Languages, Center for East Asian Studies, Classics, Comparative Literature, Humanities Center, Department of Philosophy, and Department of Religious Studies 

April 4, 2002 
Urs App and Monica Esposito
University Media Research Institute, Kyoto
Dangki: China's Shamans

May 2, 2002
Michael Sells
Haverford College
Islam and the West in the Wake of September 11: Beyond the Clash of Civilizations
Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies


ARC Performance

August 29–September 23, 2001
Stephen Sondheim

Pacific Overtures
TheatreWorks, Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts

June 12–15, 2002
Monks of Drepung Monastery

Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala Ceremony
Co-sponsored by Cantor Arts Center, Asian Art Museum, Yellow Hat Buddhist Center


ARC Workshop

November 8, 2001
Fabrizio Pregadio
Stanford University
The Daoist Illustration Database: A Project Proposal

ARC Conference

May 2–3, 2002
Jackie Armijo-Hussein, Convener (Stanford University)
Carl Ernst (University of North Carolina)
William Graham (Harvard University, in absentia)
Sherman Jackson (University of Michigan)
Bruce Lawrence (Duke University)
Richard Martin (Emory College)
Barbara Metcalf (University of California, Davis)
Michael Sells (Haverford College)
Amira Sonbol (Georgetown University)
John Voll (Georgetown University)

Critical Issues in Islamic Studies


Contact Email: 
buddhiststudies [at] (buddhiststudies[at]stanford[dot]edu)