List of events for the 2000–2001 academic year

Events Archive 2000–2001
Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (SCBS) Lectures
October 9, 2000
Haruko Wakabayashi
University of Tokyo
Reading the "Tengu zoshi": Good Tengu, Bad Tengu, and the Two Types of Evil in Late Kamakura Buddhism
February 22, 2001
Lothar Ledderose
University of Heidelberg
Preparing for the End of the World: Sixth Century Buddhist Stone Inscriptions in Northern China
Co-sponsored by Department of Art History
February 28, 2001
Toni Huber
University of Munich
Parinirvana in Assam: The Tibetan Rediscovery of the Site of Buddha's Passing
March 2, 2001
Ishii Seijun
Komazawa University
Eihei'ji Monastery System in Dogen's Time and Kenmitsu Buddhism: Reconsidering the Position of Dogen's Monastery in Kamakura New Religions Movement
SCBS Conferences
May 15–19, 2001
Investigating the Early Mahayana
ARC Lectures
November 3, 2000
Jack Kline
University of Michigan
Charisma and the Sage
November 8, 2000
Franciscus Verellen
Landscapes of the Mind: An Excursion in Taoist Mystical Geography
March 15, 2001
Fumiko Umezawa
Keisen University
"Off Limits": Why Premodern Japanese Women Couldn't Climb Fuji and How They Managed to Anyway
Co-sponsored by the Department of Art History
ARC Workshop / Hwei Tai Seminars in Buddhist Studies 2000-01
March 6–12, 2001
Fabio Rambelli
Sapporo University
Texts, Tools, Rituals: Reikiki and the World of Medieval Religion
Shinto Text Workshop
ARC Symposium
April 29, 2001
Showing the Way: Historical Representations of the Tao
Co-sponsored by Asian Art Museum, San Francisco
SZTP Workshop
August 23–26, 2001
Carl Bielefeldt (Stanford University)
William Bodiford (University of California, Los Angeles)
Griffith Foulk (Sarah Lawrence)
Stanley Weinstein (Yale University)
Shōbōgenzō Texts