List of events for the 1999–2000 academic year

Events Archive 1999–2000
Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (SCBS) Lectures
November 1, 1999
Jan Nattier
Indiana University
Arhats in the Pure Land: A New Look at the Sravaka Vehicle in Early Mahayana Sutras
January 28, 2000
Valerie Hansen
Yale University
Tracing the Route of Buddhism Along the Silk Road
April 7, 2000
Neil McMullin
Toronto University
Options in an Age of Degenerating Expectations: Genshin's Ōjōyōshū and Passed-over Court Bureaucrats
April 11, 2000
Paul Harrison
University of Canterbury
Buddhist Visions of Perfection: Interpreting the Earliest Sources of the Sukhavati Tradition
Evans-Wentz Lecture. Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies
April 21, 2000
Dale Wright
Occidental College
Impermanence and Historicity in the Buddhist Thought of Enlightenment
SCBS Conferences
October 23–24, 1999
Dogen Zen and Its Relevance for Our Time
Co-sponsored by Sotoshu and Eiheiji
October 25–26, 1999
Sōtō Zen
Co-sponsored by Sotoshu
April 29, 2000
The Buddhist Experience: Facets of a Religion
Green Gulch Farm. Co-sponsored by Continuing Studies
SCBS Colloquium
Ritual and Iconography in Japanese Buddhism
Co-sponsored by Center for East Asian Studies
February 11, 2000
Jacqueline Stone
Princeton University
Right Thoughts at the Last Moment: Buddhist Deathbed Practices in Early Medieval Japan
March 3, 2000
Allan Grapard
University of California, Santa Barbara
Toward an Iconography of Japanese Landscape
March 13, 2000
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Yale University
Monkey Magic, or How the Frolicking Animals Scroll Makes Mischief with Art Historians
March 15, 2000
Fabio Rambelli
Williams College
Serpents, Women, and the Ambiguities of Salvation: The Theme of the Naga Girl in Japanese Buddhism
New Thoughts on Old Tibet
Co-sponsored by Stanford Friends of Tibet and Bay Area Tibetan Studies Association
January 31, 2000
Matthew Kapstein
University of Chicago
Hagiography and Historical Truth in Twelfth-Century Tibet
February 14, 2000
Donald Lopez
University of Michigan
A Tibetan Critique of Colonialism
March 8, 2000
Janet Gyatso
Amherst College
Juicing the Other: A Comparative Study of the Female Partner in Tibetan Tantra and Medicine
April 28, 2000
Anne Klein
Rice University
Easily Deluded, Easily Freed: Bon Dzogchen in Prose and Poetry
May 22, 2000
Elizabeth Napper
Tibetan Nuns Project
Changing Roles of Nuns in Tibetan Society
ARC Lecture Series
Fall 1999
Chinese Healing Arts, Culture, and Politics
Co-sponsored by SCBS and Center for East Asian Studies
Winter and Spring 2000
Indian Ritual and Iconography
Co-sponsored by SCBS and Society for Art and Cultural Heritage of India
Spring 2000
The Silk Road
Co-sponsored by SCBS and Inner Asia/Silk Road Group
Spring 2000
From Partition to Ayodhya Demolition
Co-sponsored by SCBS and South Asia Initiative
Summer 2000
The Golden Age of Chinese Archeology
Co-sponsored by SCBS, Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford Staffers, and Asian Staff Forum
ARC Conference
October 9–10, 1999
Early Indian Religions: Interactions
Evans-Wentz Conference. Co-sponsored by Department of Religious Studies