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Bishop Marvin Harada: "The Past, Present, and Future of the Buddhist Churches of America"

Thursday May 25th 2023, 7:30 - 9:00PM
Event Sponsor
The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies
Huang Engineering, MacKenzie Boardroom
Bishop Marvin Harada

One of the oldest Buddhist organizations in the United States, the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) will celebrate its 125th year in 2024.  The BCA and its churches and temples have endured World War II and the incarceration of its members and clergy in internment camps.  Today, its 58 churches and temples face new challenges—to turn around a declining and aging membership, and to "keep pace" with other Buddhist groups in this country.  Can Shin Buddhist teachings resonate with those who are interested in meditation, mindfulness, and the practical application of Buddhism?  


Reverend Marvin Harada became the Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America in 2020. Prior to his tenure as Bishop, Reverend Harada was head minister of Orange County Buddhist Church from 1986 to 2020. He has a BA from the University of Oregon and MAs from Ryukoku University and the Institute of Buddhist Studies. He has also studied at the Chuo Bukkyo Gakuin.